
TshwaneLex Output

TshwaneLex output

Index | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

[15 uku-] ba (auxiliary verb) /L/

~になる ~である | become, be

ex. Ndifuna ukuba u:dokotela. I want to become a doctor

ex. L:omntf'u ube umdlali webhola ngonyaka ophelile. This man became a soccer player last year.

ex. Nditaba utishani ngonyaka otako. I will be a school teacher next year.

ex. Ndibe utishani eyunivesiti kulonyaka. I became a teacher of the university this year.

[15 uku-] baba (verb) /H/

1 苦い | be bitter

ex. Andifuni umthsi ongababi. I don't want medicine which is not bitter.

2 塩辛い | be salty

ex. L:eti iyababa ngoba ndithsele usawoti. This tea is salty because I put in the salt.

3 辛い | be spicy hot

ex. Kuyababa lokudla kun:opelepele oMn:yingi. This food is hot, there is a lot of chili pepper (in it).

4 痒い | be itchy

ex. Kuyababa engalweni ndincintwe u:mniyani. I feel itchy on the arm (because) I was bitten by mosquito.

[15 uku-] babuka (verb) /H/ [isihlonipho for ukutsha] = tsha3

燃える 焦げる 火傷する | burn

ex. Indlu ibabukile. The house burned (down).

ex. Kubabukile ukudla etiko. The food got burned in the kitchen.

ex. Ndibabukile esandleni. I got burned on the hand.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bakala (noun) LLL

| shin (of leg)

ex. Ndin:esilondza embakaleni. I have a scar on my shin.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bala1 (noun) FL

| colour

ex. Lenkomo in:emibala emin:yingi. This cow has many colours.

umbala obovu

赤色 | red

umbala obulu

青色 | blue

umbala oluhlata

緑色 | green

umbala omhlophe

白色 | white

umbala omnyama

黒色 | black

umbala ophatshile

茶色 | brown, colour of wooden plank

umbala oqandza

黄色 | yellow

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bala2 (noun) FL

| colour

ex. Abelungu abanabala emtimbheni. The White people do not have colour on the skin.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bala3 (noun) LL

前庭 | front court

ex. Inkukhu tikebaleni tin:nyengi. Chickens are in the garden, they are many.


[15 uku-] bala4 (verb) /L/

数える | count

ex. Ndibala inkomo. I count the (number of) cow.

balela 【ap.】

数えてやる 数えてもらう | count for

ex. NdiMbalele imali yakhe ngoba akakwati ukubala. I counted his money for him because he doesn't know how to count.

balisa 【caus.】

述べる 説明する | tell, explain

ex. Ndiyabalisa intfo endentekile endleleni. I explain what happened on me in the street.

balisela 【caus.+ap.】

物語を話す 語る | tell a tale

ex. Um:akhulu ubalisela abatukulu ilivo. Gram-ma tells the story to grandchildren.


| one


2 | two


3 | three


4 | four


5 | five


6 | six


7 | seven


8 | eight


9 | nine


10 | ten

[15 uku-] balela (verb) /L/

1 晴れる 日が照る | be sunny,

ex. Ilanga libalela kancani. The sun shines weakly.

2 月明かりが照る | be moonlit

ex. Inyanga iyabalela ebusuku. The moon shines at night.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] balo (noun) LL

計算 算数 | calcuration, arithmetic

ex. Ndifundzile itibalo esikolweni. I learned arithmetic at school.

ex. Andenti kahle esibalweni. I do not do well (=not good at) calculation.

[15 uku-] balula (verb) /L/

大切にする 大事にする | take good care of, cherish

ex. Ndiyababalula abantfwana bam. I cherish my children.

baluleka 【neut.】

大切である | be important

ex. Abantfwana baM babalulekile kum. My children are important to me.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bambha1 (noun)

| fang

ex. Ikati lin:amabambha abukhali. Cat has sharp fangs.

ex. Igusha alinawo amabambha. Sheep does not have fangs.

[15 uku-] bambha2 (verb) /L/

掴む 捕まえる | hold sth., catch sth., capture

ex. Ndibambha itafula. I hold the table.

bambhela 【ap.】

1 掴んで寄りかかる | hold something and lean on it

ex. Ndibambhele etafuleni. I held the table (and leaned on).

2 (一時的に)交替する 引き継ぐ | to take over (job), to take someone's place

ex. NdiMcelile ayondibambhela eMsebentini ndiyagula. I asked him that he should  take over my place at work (because) I am sick.

3 補佐する 支える | to assist sb.

ex. Usibondza uMntf'u obambhele inkosi. Usibondza is a man who assist the chief.

bambhisa 【caus.】

1 持たせる | help holding (as one asks another to help holding sth.)

ex. Ndicela w:ena undibambhise itafula silisuse la. I ask you to help me hold the table (i.e. to hold the other side of the table when moving it).

2 働かせる | to make someone work

ex. Ndibambhise um:akhulu kuloMsebenti waM. I make Gram-ma work for my work.

3 担保として差し出す | to offer as collateral

ex. Nditabambhisa ngewashi nandiyoboleka imali. I pledge my watch as a collateral.

bambhisana 【caus.+rec.】

大きなものを運ぶときなどに二人(以上)で分担して担ぐ | to help each other hold something  (when moving it)

ex. Siyabambhisana ngetafula nasilisusa. We are helping each other hold the table when we move it.

bambhana 【rec.】

1 掴み合う | hold each other


2 取っ組み合う | scuffle, fight hand in hand

ex. Amadvodza ayabambhana nayelwa. Men are fighting hand to hand.

3 手を繋ぎ合う | hold hand in hand

ex. Intfombhi nensizwa bayabambhana ngetandla nabekhambha.


捕まる 捕まえられる | be caught, be arrested

ex. Libandjiwe isela a:mapoyisa. The thief was captured by the police.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bandla (noun) FL

グループ、集団 | group of people

ex. Ibandla labantu libelikhulu. The group of the people was big.

[15 uku-] bandza (verb) /H/

= godvola 冷える 寒くある 寒い 冷たい | be cold

ex. Ndifuna amanti abandzako. I want cold water.

ex. Kuyabandza namhlandje. It is cold today.

[15 uku-] baneka (verb) /L/

稲光が走る | flash (of lightning)

ex. Kuyabaneka lifuna ukudvuma itulu. There is a lightning (and) it seems to thunder.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] banga (noun) LL

距離 | distace

ex. Kulibanga elifitshani ukuya edolophini. It's a short distance way to the town.

bangula /L/

(刺を)抜く | extract (a thorn)

ex. Ndibangulile ilive enyaweni ndihlatsh'iwe. I pulled out the thorn in my foot, I was pricked.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bani (noun) LL

稲光 | lightning

ex. Kukhona imibani emin:yingi There are many lightnings.

[15 uku-] banita (verb) /L/

稲光がする | flash (of lightning)

ex. Liyabanita itulu kabi. The weather flashes (= the lightning flashes in the sky) badly.

[14 ubu-] banti1 (noun) LH

幅広さ 広さ | width

ex. Ububanti boMfula bukhulu. Width of the river is big (= The river is wide).

banti2 (relative stem) LH (LH for copulative usage)

広い 幅広い | wide in size

ex. Libanti lelitafula. This table is wide.

ex. LoMfula ubanti. This river is wide.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] baqa (noun) LH

にきび | pimple

ex. Un:etibaqa etihlatsini. He has pimples on his cheeks.

[15 uku-] basa (verb) /L/

燃やす 火をおこす 火をつける | make fire, light fire

ex. Ndibasile umlilo nditapheka. I have made a fire (and now) I will cook.

basela 【ap.】

火をつけてやる/もらう | light for sb., make fire for sb

ex. Ndibabasele uMlilo abatukulu. I made a fire for (my) grandchildren.


[3 um- / 4 imi-] bathsa (noun) LL [isihlonipho for "ikhaya" or "umti"]

家庭 | home

ex. Ndiya embathseni. I go home.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bawo (noun) LH = tata

| father, 父親

ex. Ubawo wam uneminyaka emashumi alutfweba neminyaka emihlanu.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] baw'omdzala (noun) LHLHL

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bawomkhulu (noun) LHLFL ( = tatomkhulu

祖父 | grandfather, おじいさん

ex. Ubawomkhulu uyise katata. Grandfather is father's father.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] baw'omncani (noun) LHLHL

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bawu (noun) LL

アブ ツェツェバエ(?) | gadfly, tsetse-fly

ex. Inkomo idliwa i:sibawu siyayincinta. The cow is eaten (= bitten) by the gadfly, it nips it (=gadfly bites cow).

※It inhabits water.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] baya (noun) FL = lugu

家畜囲い | cattle pen (esp. of cattle, sheep, goat etc.)

ex. isibaya senkomo/sembhuti/samagusha the pen of  cow/goat/sheep

[15 uku-] beka (verb) /H/

積む 置く | load, put on

ex. Ndibeke imitfwalo etafuleni. I put the luggage on the table.

beka icala

訴える | accuse

ex. Ndiya kumantshi lomntfu ndimbeka icala. I go to the magistrate court (because) I put a case on him

bekela 【ap.】

1 置いてやる/もらう | put for

ex. Ndimbekela imitfwalo yakhe emotweni. I put his luggage onto the car for him.

2 継ぎ充てる | patch

ex. Ndilibekelile ibhulukwe lam ngesitiba. I patched my trouser with a piece of cloth.

bekelela 【-elel-】

(切り出した木や枝、葉などを)まとめて置く | to pile up woods/branches/leaves

ex. Ndiyayibekelela inyandza ndiyitfwale enhloko. I bundled the branches (and) put it on head.

beketela 【-etel-】

我慢する 耐える | endure

ex. Abantf'wana bayabeketela nangona (ab)otishani bebukhali. The boys are enduring although the teachers are rigid.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bele1 (noun) HL

乳房 | breast

ex. Lenkomo inamabele anentfusi. This cow has the breast (with a lot) of milk.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bele2 (noun) HL

(家畜の)乳首 乳頭 | teat (of domestic animal)

ex. Sisenga imibele yenkomo. We milk the teat of cow (= milk the cow).

[14 ubu-] bele3 HL = sa3

やさしさ 親切 | kindness

ex. Andimfuni muntfu ongenabublele. I don't want a person who is without kindness.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bele4 (noun) LH

ソルガム モロコシ | sorghum

ex. Idjiki lentiwa ngemitfombho yombhoni namabele. Idjiki (= sorghum beer) is made from the maize powder and sorghum.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] beleko (noun) LLL [isihlonipho for isitalo] = beletfo

(人間の)子宮 | womb (of human)

ex. Lomfati uphethswe isibeleko.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] beletfo (noun) LLL [isihlonipho for talo] = beleko

(人間の)子宮 | womb (of women)

ex. Kubhlungu isibeletfo.

ex. Amandvodza akanaso isibeletfo.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bese (noun) LL [Afr. "mes"]

ナイフ | knife

ex. Ndisika inyama ngombese. I cut the meat with knife.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bethse (noun) FL

夜露 | dew

ex. Kunamabethse namhlandje engceni. There is dew on the grass today.

[15 uku-] bethsela (verb) /H/

1 (サンゴマが)厄除けのための結界を張る

ex. Ndibite isangoma sitobethsela.

ex. Isangoma siyabethsela ngokufaka itiqonga etincani etikhathswe u:mthsi emhlabeni.

2 磔にする

ex. AmaDjuda abethsela uDjesu esiphambhanweni.

[15 uku-] bhabhadisa (verb) /H/

洗礼を施す | baptise

ex. Umfundisi ubhabhadisa abantfu ngokuthsela amanti enhloko.

[5 i-] bhabhaladza HLHL

二日酔い | hang-over

ex. Ndiphethswe l:ibhabhaladza.

[9 in- / 10 i((t)i)n-] bhabhama (noun) LHL [isihlonipho for "inkukhu"]

ニワトリ | chicken

ex. Imbhabhama tam tin:yingi.

[15 uku-] bhabhata (verb) /H/

羽ばたく | flap the wings (of chicken)

bhabhatela 【ap.】

羽をバタつかせる | flip-flop

ex. Imbhabhama iyabhabhatela The chicken is flip-flopping its wings.

[15 uku-] bhabhayisa (verb) /L/ [Eng. "bye-bye"]

さよならをいう、バイバイをいう | fawell, say bye-bye

ex. Ndibhabhayisile kuYoliswa nasendikhambha. I said good-bye to Yoliswa when I was ready to leave.

[9 in- / 10 i((t)i)n-] bhadzadza (noun) HHL

サンダル | sandal

ex. Ndigqoka imbhadzadza etinyaweni. I put sandals on the feet.

[7 isi-] bhakabhaka (noun) LLLL

大空 | sky

ex. Inkanyeti tiyakhanya ebusuku esibhakabhakeni. Stars are shining in the sky.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhakede (noun) LLL [Eng.]

バケツ | bucket

ex. Ndikha amanti ngebhakede. I scoop water with bucket.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bhakela (noun) LLL

ボクシング | boxing

ex. Lendvodza iyadlala isibhakela. This man play boxing.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bhako (noun) FL

自家製のパン | home-made bread

ex. Umbhako i:sinkwa esiphekwa emakhaya. Umbhako is a bread made at home.

[15 uku-] bhala (verb) /H/

書く | write

ex. UTosh uyabhala incwadzi. Tosh writes a book.

ex. Logogo akakwati ukubhala. This granny does not know how to write (i.e. illiteral).

[9 im-] bhalela (noun) LHL

旱魃 | drought

ex. Kulonyaka kunembhalela akukho ukudla. This year there is drought (and) there is no food.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhali (noun) LH

1 | flower

ex. Imbhali tidvubulile. Flowers have bloomed.

2 火にあたりすぎて脚の皮膚にできた斑点 | spots on the skin (because of sitting for too long by the fire)

ex. Ugogo uneembhali emlenteni. Granny has 'imbhali' on the leg.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bham (noun) LH

| gun

ex. Iphoyisa lidvubulile ngesibham. The policeman shot the gun.

[11 u- / 10 i(t)im-] bhambho (noun) LL

肋骨 | rib

ex. Ubhambho lwam wephukile. My rib broke.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhanana (noun) LHL [Eng.]

バナナ | banana

ex. ukuhluba ubhanana to peel banana

[15 uku-] bhandza (verb) /H/

壁を塗る | daub mud on the wall

ex. Siyabhandza udvonga lwendlu. We are making the wall of the house.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhandzi HL [Eng. "band"]

ベルト バンド | belt, band

ex. Amadvodza afaka ibhandzi ebhulukweni.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhangi (noun) HL [Eng. "bank"]

銀行 | bank

ex. Ibhangi indzawo yokugcina imali. Bank is a place to keep money.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhanoyi (noun) LHL [Eng. "baloon"]

飛行機 | airplane

ex. UTosh ufikile eSouth Africa ngebhanoyi. Tosh arrived at South Africa by plane.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhasi (noun) HL [Eng.]

バス | bus

ex. Ndiyokhwelela ibhasi kusasa. I will get on the bus tomoroow.

[15 uku-] bhatala (verb) /L/

支払う | pay

ex. Ndimbhatalile irholo lakhe. I payed him his salary.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhatata (noun) LHL [Eng. "potato"]

サツマイモ | sweet-potato

ex. Asikhiphe ubhatata emhlabeni. Let us pull the sweet-potato out of the ground.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhawula LLL

横穴を開けた一斗缶(暖取り用) | bucket with holes in the side (for having a warm by fire)

ex. Imbhawula lithina eligodjosiwe sibhasa kulo. "imbhawula" is a tin can that has been vented on its sides (and) we make fire in it.

※esp. 18-liter can

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhayibili (noun) LLLL [Eng.]

聖書 | the Holy Bible

ex. Sifundza ibhayibhili yonke imihla. We read the Bible everyday.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhayisekile (noun) LLHLL [Eng.]

自転車 | bicycle

ex. Ndiyakwati ukukhwelela ibhayisekile. I can ride bicycle.

[15 uku-] bhebha (verb) /L/

性交する 交尾する | copulate, mate

ex. Impongwe iyabhebha imbhuti. A he-goat mates with a she-goat

bhedjwa 【pass.】

(メスがオスに)交尾される | be mated, be copulated

ex. Imbhuti iyabhedjwa i:mpongwe. A she-goat is mated by a he-goat.

※People feels a reluctance to utter this word.

[11 u- / 6 ama-] bhece HL




[3 um- / 4 imi-] bhede (noun) HL [Eng.]

ベッド | bed

ex. Silala embhedeni. We sleep on the bed.

[15 ukw-] bheka /L/

1 見る 見つめる | watch, face towards sth.

ex. Lendja ibheke iyagragrama itakuluma. This dog is growling (and) it will bite you.

2 探す | seek, look for

ex. Ndibheka inkomo etilahlekile entsabeni. I took for the lost cattles in the mountain.

bhekisa 【caus.】

向ける | place sth. to face a certain direction

ex. Ndibhekisa iTV kumakhulu uyagula akakwati ukusukuma. I turn the direction of the TV set towards granny (because) she is ill (and) she cannot stand up.

bhekisa 【int.】

まっすぐに向く | look straight

ex. Ndibhekise kuJaca nandibhobha naye. I looked straight at Jaca when I talked with him.

bhekisisa 【int.】 = nombhola

ex. Iphoyisa liyabhekisisa lendlu isela lalihlala khona.

bheka ngemva

後ろを振り向く | look back

ex. Ndibheka ngemva nandibitwa. I look back when I am called.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bheleko (noun) LLL

おんぶ紐 | baby sling

ex. Ndisebentisa imbheleko nandim:em:a umntfwana. I use baby sling when I carry baby on the back.

[15 uku-] bhema (verb) /L/

タバコを吸う | smoke cigarette

ex. Ndiyabhema ugwayi wephepha. I smoke paper rolled cigarette.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhendzeni (noun) LHL

ウシの病気の一種 | a kind of cattle's disease

ex. Ubhendzeni uyisifo senkomo. 'umbhendzeni' is a sickness of cattle.

bhengxe LL

イボイノシシ | warthog

ex. Ibhengxe limbha umgodzi kodvwa lingawulali. The warthog digs hole on the ground but it does not lie in there.


[5 i- / 6 ama-] bheshu (noun) LH

(毛皮の)腰巻 ふんどし | loincloth

ex. Ibheshu lentiwa ngesikhumbha sembhuti. Loincloth is made from the goat's skin.

ex. ukubhingca ibheshu.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhewu (noun) FL

種(たね) | seed

ex. imbhewu yombhoni/yombhotsh'a/yamahhampula

ex. Nditsh'ala imbhewu yamahhampula.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhiba (noun) LL

野ネズミ(の一種) | striped mouse

ex. Imbhibha inemigca emqolo ihlala emasimini. 'imbhibha' has stripes on the back (and) it inhabits in the garden.

[15 uku-] bhidja /L/

(紐状のものを)巻く 巻きつける | coil

ex. Ndidjidja intsambho. I take up the rope

bhidjela 【ap.】

1 巻きつける 巻きつく | coil around

ex. Ndibhidjela indophi emqongeni. I coil a rope to the log.

2 回り込む | dart behind

ex. Inkomo ibhidjele emva kwendlu. The cow darted behind the house.

djidjwa 【pass.】

巻かれる | be rolled up

ex. Iphepha lidjidjiwe The paper is rolled up.

[15 uku-] bhidza (verb) /H/

be incomprehensible be confusing | 不可解である, よくわからない

ex. Lendzaba iyabhidza asiwutfoli umnyombho wayo. This news is confusing (and) we do not see the point.

bhidzisa 【caus.】 困らせる 邪魔になる | confuse, annoy

ex. Letimbhobo etikebaleni tiyasibhidzisa. These hole in the garden annoy us.

bhidzeka 【neut.】 困る | be embarassing

ex. Ndiyabhidzekile ngaletimbhobo. I was annoyed by these holes.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhila (noun) FL

イワダヌキ ケープ・ハイラックス | Cape Hyrax,

ex. Imbhila ayinamsila ayinawo amadlebe amadze. Hyrax does not have tail or long ears.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhilapha (noun) LHL

四肢の付け根(脇、股、首)にできるデキモノ | boil that develops on the groin or armpit

ex. Lendvodza inembhilapha enkulu emqaleni. This man develops a big boil on the neck

[15 uku-] bhimbha (verb) /H/

不器用である どんくさい | be bumbling

ex. Lomntfu uyabhimbha akaculi kahle akasini kahle. This man is bumbling, he neither sing well nor dance well.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhimbhi (noun) FH

不器用な人 何をやっても下手くそな人 音痴 | bumbling person, tone deaf

ex. Ulibhimbhi akaculi kahle. He is 'ibhimbhi', he does not sing well.

[15 uku-] bhingca (verb) /H/

布を腰に巻く | wrap cloth around the waist

ex. Intfombhi ibhingca isigege. The girl wears the beaded skirt.

ex. Abantfu bakudzala babebhingca itikhumbha babengagqoki impahla.

[15 uku-] bhithsa (verb) /H/ [Eng. "beat"]

陽気に騒ぐ お祭り騒ぎをする | have party by making noise

ex. Abantfu bayabithsa emtshatweni. People are having fun at the wedding.

bhithsisa 【caus.】 コーラスや踊りを指揮する | conduct people (choir, dance team etc.)

ex. Utishani uyababhithsisa abantwana nabcula. The teacher is conducting the children when they sing.

[1 um- / 2 aba-] bhithsisi (noun) LHL = culisi

コーラスの指揮者 | conductor (of choir)

ex. Umbhithsisi uyabhithsisa abantfwana esikolweni.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhito (noun) HL

会合 | meeting

ex. Siya embhitweni kwankosi. I go to the meeting at the chief's place.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhits'i (noun) HL [Eng. "beads"]

ビーズ(大) | bead (big)

ex. Isikhakha sakhiwa ngobuhlalu namabhits'i.

[1a u-] bhiya (noun) LH [Eng.]

ビール | beer

ex. Ubhiya siyawunyathsa. Beer, we drink it.

[15 uku-] bhiyota (verb) /H/

陽気に騒ぐ お祭り騒ぎをする | have a party

ex. Bayabhiyota abantfu emgwaqweni. The people are making noise on the street.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bhiyoto (noun) LHL

お祭り 宴会 | party, festival

ex. Siya embhiyotweni weANC We go to the rally of ANC.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bhobe (noun) HL

地面の裂け目 | crack on the earth

ex. Igusha lam itshone esibhobeni alikwati ukuphuma.

[15 uku-] bhobha (verb) /L/

言う 話す | say, speak

ex. Ndibhobha nawe I talk to you.

ex. Ndiyasibhobha isiBhaca. I speak the Bhaca language.

ex. Abafati bayabhobha ekhaya ngabantfwana. The women are talking about children.

ex. UYoliswa uyabhobha kodvwa andiva. Yoliswa speaks to me but I do not listen.

bhobha kabi

悪く言う 悪口を言う | speak ill of other

bhobhela 【ap.】

話してやる/もらう | speak for

ex. Ndjenga besibitwe kwankosi mna andiphumelelanga nditfume kuJaca andibhobhele. As we were called for my the chief (but) I could not leave (so) I sent (a message) to Mr. Jaca that he would speak instead of me.

bhobhela phasi

小声で話す | speak low

bhobhela etulu

大声で話す | speak loud

bhobhisa 【int.】

面と向かって話す | talk with sb. face to face

ex. Uyandibhobhisa kodvwa andiva. He speaks to me face to face but I don't listen.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bhobho (noun) HL

マイクロホン | microphone

ex. Ubememeta ngombhobho seva sonke elalini. He was speaking out (and) we were all listening (to him) at the rally.

ex. Lendlu inembhobo etulu iyaqabata. This house has holes on the ceiling and it leaks (water).

ukubhola imbhobo

穴をあける | bore a hole

imbhobo yempumlo/tempumlo

鼻の穴 | nostril

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhobo (noun) LH

| hole

ex. Isikotila sin:embhobo amanti ayaqabata.

[9 in- / 10 i((t)i)n-] bhodla1 (noun) LH

ヤマネコ 野生化したネコ | wild cat,

ex. Imbhodla ikati elihlala endle lidla inkukhu.

[15 uku-] bhodla2 (verb) /L/

げっぷする | belch

ex. Bayabhodla nabenyathse idjiki abantfu.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhodlela (noun) LLL [Eng. "bottle"]

ボトル | bottle

ex. ibhodlela yebhiya

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhokisi (noun) LLL [Eng.]

1 | box

2 棺桶 | coffin

ex. Utshonile umntfu siyomfaka ebhokisini.

[11 u- / 10 i(t)im-] bhoko (noun) LL

棍棒(細長く、先がとがっている) | long cudgel with sharp tip

ex. Ubhoko luyintfonga endze. 'ubhoko' is a long cudgel.

[9 in- / 10 i((t)i)n-] bhokodvo (noun) LHL

1 粉を挽くときに使う石(取っ手が付いていて、転がす) | grinding stone, grinder

ex. Imbhokodvo siyisebentisa nasisila imithsi.


2 女性のあつまり | meeting of women

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhola1 (noun) HL

1 ボール | ball

ex. Amakhwenkwe akhaba ibhola. ***

2 サッカー | soccer, football

ex. Amakhwenkwe adlala ibhola. ***

[15 uku-] bhola2 (verb) /H/

穴をあける | bore a hole

ex. ukubhola imbhobo ngebhola ***

bholela 【ap.】

ねじ込む | screw in, drill

ex. Ndiyabholela isipikili edvongeni lwendlu ngesipanela. ***

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bholeko (noun) LLL

借り物 | borrowed thing

ex. Lemoto yimbholeko ndiyibolekile / ndiyibolekiwe. ***

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhompisi (noun) LLL

1 スギの木 | cedar

ex. Iligxa likabhompisi ***


※very comon at uMzimkhulu area.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhongolo (noun) LLL [isihlonipho for "idonki"]

ロバ | donkey

ex. Kwamakhelwane kufuywe imbhongolo.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhontsh'isi (noun) LLL SEE bhotsh'a

[15 uku-] bhosha (verb) /H/

大便をする | defecate

ex. Labantfwana babosha ebaleni. ***

[9 im-] bhotisamahlanga (noun) [imbhotisa+mahlanga]

春一番の嵐 | first spring storm

ex. Imbhotisamahlanga imvula yokuqala kwentwasanhlobo.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhoto (noun) FL

親指 | thumb

ex. Nasikhanyisa ugesi sicofa ngobhoto. ***

[11 u- / 10 i(t)im-, 9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhotsh'a (noun) HL

= bhontsh'isi | bean

ex. ukhoto lobhotsh'a ***

ex. Letimbhotsh'a timnandzi. ***

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhotwe (noun) LH [Eng. "pot"]

| pot

ex. Sipheka ngebhotwe imbhotsh'a ***

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhozo (noun) FL

ナイフ(大型) | knife (big)

ex. Siyaxhota amagalonci ngebhozo. ***

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhubesi (noun) LLL

ライオン | lion

ex. Lomntfu unamandla angathsi libhubesi.

bhubha /L/ [isihlonipho for 'fa']

死ぬ | die

ex. Umntfu ubhubhile. ***

[15 uku-] bhudla (verb) /L/

(風が)吹く | blow (of wind)

ex. Umoya uyabhudla ngamandla. The wind blows hard.

[15 uku-] bhudvuta (verb) /L/

(固まったポーリッジ、土塊を)手で揉み解す | unstiffen with hand (ex. uphutfu)

ex. Ndibhudvuta umhlaba sitatsh'ala kunamagabadze.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bhuku (noun) FL

腰かけ台 床机 | stool

ex. Amadvodza ahlala etibhukwini.

[15 uku-] bhula (verb) /H/

1 (叩いて)脱穀する | thresh by hitting with stick

ex. Siyabhula imbhotsh'a ngesibhulo. *****

2 叩いて火を消す | extinguish fire hitting with stick

ex. sibhula umlilo ngamahlahla.

3 占う 予言する 言い当てる | divine, foretell

ex. Isangoma siyabhula intfo etakwenteka.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bhulo (noun) HL

脱穀用の木の棒 | stick for threshing grain

ex. Imbhotsh'a ntitibhula ngesibhulo.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhulorho (noun) LHL [Afr. "brug"]

| bridge

ex. ukwela ebhulorhweni to cross the bridge

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhulukwe (noun) LHL [Afr. "broek"]

ズボン | trouser

ex. Intfombhi tangoku tigqoka amabhulukwe.

ex. Ugogo akatange aligqoke ibhulukwe.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhumbhulu (noun) LFL

1 (果物の)核 桃の種 | stone of fruit, peach seed

ex. Imbhumbhulu yepetsh'isi ayidliwa.

2 弾丸 | bullet

ex. Imbhumbhulu yesibham iyabulala nayedvubula ngayo.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhungeti (noun)

甲虫の類(フンコロガシ、テントウムシなど) | beetle bug

ex. Amabhungeti ayahlangana elambhini ebusuku.

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhungu (noun) LH

青年 | person of youth

ex. UThembhani ulibhungu. ***

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bhuqu (noun)

未舗装の道路 | untarred road

ex. Lomgwaqo ulibhuku alikho itiyela.

[15 uku-] bhuquta (verb) /L/

長い距離を行く | go for a long distance

ex. Kutathatha ibanga elidze nandibhuquta ngenyawo ukuya edvolophini.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhushu (noun) HL [Eng.]

ブッシュナイフ 山刀 | bushknife

ex. Ndifuna ubhushu wokugawula.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bhuti1 (noun) FL

皮下線虫 | roundworm

ex. Isibhuti silima enhloko yabantfu, sikhambha phasi kwesikhumbha.

[9 im- / 10 i((t)i)m-] bhuti2 (noun) FL

(雌)ヤギ | (she-)goat

ex. Siyefuya imbhuti impongwe yembhuti.

[1a u- / 2a oo-, (ab)o-] bhuti3 (noun) LH [Afr. "boetie"]

兄弟 | brother

ex. Siyefuya imbhuti impongwe yembhuti. ***

※(the case of five brothers, for example) ubhuti omdzala - ubhuti omncani - ubhuti okekhathsi - ubhuti owelama omncani - ubhuti wokugcina

[15 uku-] bhuxuta (verb) /H/

泡立たせる | foam

ex. Labantfwana babhuxuta isephu nebedlala. ***

ex. ukubhuxuta insephu emantini ***

bi (adjective) H

悪い | bad

ex. umntfu ombi

ex. andiyifuni lenkomo imbhi.

※cl.1/a =  ombi,  cl.2/a = ababi, cl.3 = ombi, cl.4 = emibi, cl.5 = elibi, cl.6 = amabi, cl.7 = esibi, cl.8 = etimbhi, cl.9 embhi, cl.10 = etimbhi, cl.11 = olubi, cl.14 = obubi, cl.15 = okubi

[15 uku-] bika (verb) /H/

報告する 知らせる | announce

ex. Inkosi iyabika ukuthsi kutafika abalungu abatucandza umhlaba. ***

bikela 【ap.】

知らせてやる 知らせてもらう | announce for

ex. Ndiyobikela inkosi lendzaba. ***

[3 um- / 4 imi-] biko (noun) FL

お知らせ 報告 | announcement,

ex. Ndidlulisa iombiko kaJaca ukuthsi utshonile usisi wakhe.

[15 uku-] bila (verb) /L/

1 (水が)煮え立つ | be boiled

ex. Asebilile amanti ebhotweni.

2 (ビールが)発酵して泡立つ | ferment (of beer)

ex. Idjiki livojwe selibilile. *****

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bindzi (noun) FL

1 肝臓 | liver

ex. Ndiphethswe isifo sesibindzi.

2 穀物の芯 | inner part of crop

ex. Isibindzi sikhona ekhotweni lombhoni.

bini (numeral, adjective)

二の 2つの | two

ex. kabini ***

ex. timbhini ***

ex. bobabini ***

※cl.2 = ababini, cl.4 = emibini, cl.6 = amabini, cl.8 = etimbhini, cl.10 = etimbhini

[1a u-] bisi (noun) FL SEE tfusi1

牛乳 ミルク | milk

[15 uku-] bita (verb) /H/

1 呼ぶ | call

ex. Ndiyambita phandle umntfwana.

2 高い 値が張る | expensive, costly

ex. Lempahla iyabita andiyithsenganga.



安い | ukubita kahle, be a good price

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bito (noun) FL [isihlonipho for "igama"]

名前 | name

ex. Ubani ibito lakho? What is your name?

[15 uku-] biya (verb)

囲う | fence

ex. Siyabiya igadi ngetiqonga nangocingo. ***

[11 u- / 6 ama-] bobo (noun) LL

ソーンツリーの茂み | thorn-tree bush

ex. Sikhambha ngakebobeni.

ex. Indlela idlula eca kobobo.

[15 uku-] bohla (verb) /L/

1 水が引く | subside (of water)

ex. Amanti asebohlile emva kokunethsa. ***

2 腫れが引く 腫れが治まる | go down (of swell)

ex. ukudvumbha kubohlile ***

[3 um- / 4 imi-] boko (noun) FL

ゾウの鼻 | trunk of elephant

ex. Umboko wendlovu mdze.

※Elephant is not seen locally.

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bokwani (noun) HLH

ウナギ | eel

ex. Umbokwani uhlala emantiti uyadliwa.

[15 uku-] bola (verb) /L/

腐る | become rotten

ex. Lenyama seyibolile seyinuka kabi

boleka /L/

1 貸す | lend

ex. UYoliswa uboleke imali kuTosh.

2 借りる | borrow

bona1 (absolute pronoun) LH

彼ら 彼女ら | they, them

[15 uku-] bona2 (verb) /H/

1 見る | see

ex. amehlo am ayabona kahle.

2 推察する | guess

ex. Ndiyabona ukuthsi litanethsa. Ndiyabona ukuthsi nditaba nomkhuhlani.

bonisa 【caus.】

見せる | show, display

bonisana 【caus.+rec.】

話し合う | discuss over

ex. Sibonisene ngalendzaba. We discussed over this topic.

bonakala 【neut.】

見える ~のようである | be seeable, seem

ex. Ibhasi iyabonakala emgwaqweni. ***

ex. Kuyabonakala ukuthsi litanethsa. ***

bonana 【rec.】

お互いに見る 会う | see each other, meet

ex. Sitabonana kusasa. We are going to meet tomorrow.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bondza1 (noun) LL [isihlonipho for 'isiqonga']

1 囲いや柵の柱 | post of fence

ex. Nasakha sigxumeka itibondza. ***

2 家臣 | vassal

ex. Isibondza umntfu obambhele inkosi.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bondza2 (noun) LL

役員 重臣 | principal member of society

ex. Isibondza siyancedza endzaweni.

ex. Itibondza tisita inkosi.

[15 uku-] bondza3 (verb) /L/

捏ねる 揉みつぶす | smash, knead

ex. Ndiyabondza iphalitshi etiko. ***

[15 uku-] bonga (verb)

感謝する | thank

ex. Ndiyabonga intfo onentele yona. ***

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bongo (noun) LL

苗字 | surname

ex. Isibongo sikagogo M:tolo. Granny's surname is 'Mtolo'.

[15 uku-] bopha (verb) /H/

縛る | tie

ex. Ndibopha inkomo emlenteni nandiyisenga.

bophela 【ap.】

(家畜を)つなぐ | picket

ex. Ndiyibophela inkomo esibayeni. ***


縛られる 繋がれる | be tied, be picketed

ex. Inkomo seyibotshiwe. ***

[5 i- / 6 ama-] bophelo (noun) LHL [isihlonipho for idjoka]

ウシのくびき | yoke

ex. Ndifaka ibophelo enkomeni. ***

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bopho (noun) FL

義務 | duty

ex. Ukukhokha intsela kuyisibopho nawuthsenga.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] boti (noun)

腐った豆 だめになった豆 | spoiled bean

ex. Lolukhoto lubolile seluyisiboti. ***

[11 u- / 6 ama-] bovu (noun) LH

| pus

ex. Ubovu luphuma esilodzeni.

[15 uku-] bubula (verb) /H/

呻吟する 苦痛にうめく | groan,

ex. Itigulani tiyabubula esibhedlela tigula kakhulu.

buka /H/

見る | see, look at

ex. Ndiyatibuka ngesibuko. I look at myself in the mirror.

bukela 【ap.】

~を見る ~のほうを見る | look at, watch

ex. Ndiwubukele umdlalo kwiTV.

bukhali (relative stem) LFL

1 鋭い キレのよい | sharp

ex. indzawo ebukhali yombese. the sharp part (side) of the knife.

2 気の荒い 獰猛な | fiece

ex. Lendja ibukhali. This dog is fiece.

bukhali [LHL for copulative]

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] buko (noun) FL

| mirror

ex. Isibuko sifile. The mirror has broken

[5 i- / 6 ama-] buku1 (noun) FL

群れ 集団 | group, herd, flock

ex. amabuku abantfu/wenkomo/wamabhungeti

[11 u- / 6 ama-] buku2 (noun) FL COMPARE yuku

嬰児 乳児 | infant

ex. ubuku lomntfwana/lwendja

ex. Uselubuku utalwe itolo.

ex. Lomntfwana usalubuku unensuku etinthsatfu etelwe.

[15 uku-] bulala (verb) /H/

殺す | kill, murder

ex. Umbulele umntfu ngombese.

bulawa 【pass.】

殺される ~が原因で死ぬ | be killed, die of

ex. Umntfwana ublawe u:mkhuhlani. ***

[15 uku-] bulisa (verb) /H/

挨拶する | greet

ex. UPhindile undibulisele kumakhulu. ***

ex. Lomntfu akabulisanga nasibonana emgwaqweni. ****

bulukundlwani LLLLL

仔イヌ | puppy

ex. Lendja isawumbulukudlwani. ***

[15 uku-] bumbha1 (verb) /H/

土器を作る | mould pottery

ex. Ndiyabumbha ingcaza ngobumbha.

ex. UTosh uyawuvakatshela wonke umhlaba.

[11 u-] bumbha2 (noun) FL

粘土 | clay

ex. ukuxova ubumbha

bundzani LLL

| 野菜につく害虫

ex. Umbundzani ulimata ititsh'alo. ***

[3 um- / 4 imi-] bungu1 (noun) LH

胎児 | embryo

ex. Lenkomo inombungu esisweni.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bungu2 (noun) LH

アオムシ | catapillar

ex. Itibungu tisla umbhoni tiyawuphehla.

[7 isi- / 8 iti-] bunu (noun) FL

臀部 | hip

ex. Ndinetibunu etinkulu. ***

buta /H/

尋ねる | ask

ex. Ndimbutile lomntfwana indlela yokuya ebhangi. ***

butfuntf'u (relative stem) FL

なまくらな 切れない | dull,

ex. Indzawo ebutfuntfu yombese. ***

butfuntfu [FL for copulative]

[5 i- / 6 ama-] buti (noun) FL

ノネズミ | field rat, woodland dormouse

ex. Ibuti lihlala emasimini alinayo imigca emqolo.

butshebeleti (relative stem)

平らな 滑りやすい | flat, slippy

ex. Lelitsh'e libutshebeleti. ***

ex. Unganyathseli kulololitsh'e libutshebeleti.

[15 uku-] buya (verb) /H/

戻る | return

ex. Umntfwana usebuyile esikolweni ngoku ukekhaya. ***

buyisa 【caus.】

1 戻す 返却する | give back, return

2 小雨が降る

ex. Itulu liyakhwitshita litabuyisa.

3 食べ物をもどす 吐く

ex. Umntfwana wam ukubuyisile ukudla obekudlile ulunywa isisu.

buyisela 【caus.+ap.】

戻してやる/もらう | return to

ex. Ndikubuyisela imali yakho.

buye (auxiliary verb)

また | again

ex. Liyanetsha phandle kodvwa ndicabanga ukuba imvula itabuye iphele.

< /p>

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